Thursday, August 19, 2010

Video Gaming Profits

Dear friend,

You may be amazed to hear that the video game industry is a $40 Billion industry and is bigger than the music and movie industry COMBINED. And This includes DVD's, Blu-rays, movie tickets, CD's mp3 downloads, TV's...EVERYTHING!

That's more than $133 for every man, woman and child in America.

You may also be thinking, “I didn't spend $133 on video games last year.” And maybe you didn't. But a lot of people did and a lot of people spent much more than that.

And it's estimated that over 50% of all video games are sold on the internet. That's over $20,000,000,000 worth of video games being sold online.

You'd never think getting in the video game business could be such a huge opportunity, could you?

Hi, my name is Jeff Thompson but you can just call me “The Video Game Guy.” I started my video game business over 8 years ago from the basement of my parent's house. Over the years I've operated, owned, bought and sold hundreds of thousands of video game products. In fact, I've become one of the “tog dogs” in the industry.

For the first time ever I've decided to share everything that I've learned in the past 8 years in the video game business with you...if you're looking to start a successful business that is.


The video game business is a very lucrative business for a number of reasons. First, video games are in huge demand. Second, there is real financial security unlike jobs that come and go in today's economic crisis.

Third, it's stable with people of all ages, races and gender turning to video games as their main source of entertainment. In fact, a recent study showed women age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%)!

Not only are more girls playing video games, but an older crowd is jumping on the bandwagon too! Did you know that the average game player is 35 years old and 25% of all gamers are over age 50?

So what does this all mean to you?
With an industry with such a wide audience which continues to grow by leaps and bounds every single year, you can only imagine how solid and profitable this business truly is. And the best part is - this stuff is very simple to do! Here's what a typical month looks like for me using the same strategies outlined in this website you're reading:


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