Cheap Homes
How To save Thousands
Buying Your Next House
You can save thousands of dollars on your next home. How? By using dozens of little-known techniques.
Imagine finding the home of your dreams and then saving thousands of dollars when you buy it. Would you like that? Well that is exactly what you can do with the information in this book. In fact, when you know what to do, you save not only money, but precious time too.
You Can Find Cheap Houses Or Make Any House Cheaper
Would you like to know where you can get houses for under $50,000 in nice towns? You'll find examples of such towns in Chapter Three. One of them has homes priced at under $30,000 right now. In Chapter Four, you'll learn exactly how to find your own ideal town with affordable housing.
A Note From The Author: In 2002 my wife Ana and I drove around the country for seven weeks, looking at cheap homes for sale. We finally bought a beautiful pink house (full basement, garage, hardwood floors, sun room and more) in a wonderful mountain town in Montana. It cost $17,500, plus another $1,900 to fix the heater and update the bathroom (there is a photo further down). Though we later sold it for a profit, we loved that house, and the town too. In fact, during our search, we found many great towns with affordable homes, all over the country. Of course, inexpensive towns are nice, but not everyone can move wherever they want, so I began to research how to buy a home for less wherever you live. There are more ways than you might think to save thousands of dollars buying a home. I took notes on the best of them as I discovered them. I wanted to share these valuable lessons, as well as our own home buying experience, with others. That's why I wrote the e-book "Cheap Homes - How To save Thousands Buying Your Next House." I know you'll enjoy reading it, and when you use the information in it, it will save you thousands of dollars. - - - Steve Gillman |
Here is some of what you'll get when you buy the book: Great ways to find cheaper homes right where you live. The best places on the web to find cheap houses. Proven techniques you can use to negotiate a lower price on any home. Ways to save money on every step of the home-buying process.
You can see the value in information like this. I have revealed some of it in bits and pieces, through websites, articles, courses and newsletters. Here's what people have said about those:
"You have some great information..." Terri A. "Interesting site on cheap homes!" Jody H "You have some great information on your website..." Amber S "Good finance article. Thanks for sending it..." Lorrie A
The information in the book is concise and to-the-point. Any one of the 28 chapters could be "fluffed up" and sold as a $30 report, but if you buy it today you get the entire 28-chapter e-book for ... (used to be $27 - read on for a special offer.)
What Else?
- I once saw someone buy a home for less than half the offering price. How do you get a deal like that? Make an offer, for starters, but first read Chapter 11 for a powerful way to present a low offer.- You probably know that stains around a water heater may indicate leakage, but how do you remember the 70 things you should look at in a house? Use the home-inspection checklist in Chapter 20.
- What is the difference between a condo and a co-op? Which one should you probably stay away from? (Hint: one is real tough to finance.) You'll find out in Chapter 7.
- Is your real estate agent a spy? If you casually mention that you could go a few thousand higher on your offer, he may have a fiduciary responsibility to pass that comment on to the seller. Chapter 25 will clue you in to all the things agents don't want you to know.
- Want to buy a really cheap home? You'll find a great fixer-upper formula detailed in Chapter 8. Don't even think about buying a fixer-upper until you read this.
- Are you making a costly mistake? Some of the most common ones are listed in Chapter 27, with advice on how to correct or avoid them.
- Why do your own home inspection? You should probably pay for a good home inspection, but if you do your own first, an inspection can save you thousands. Find out how in Chapter 13.
- Save thousands on financing. A lower price is only one part of getting an inexpensive home. The right financing might be the area where you can save the most. All of Section Four is devoted to this.
- What is the difference between an FHA 203(b) and an FHA 203(k) mortgage loan? With the latter you can borrow enough to buy the home and fix it up. Dozens of different loans are discussed in Chapter 17.
- Why should you offer $161,850, instead of $162,000? It's a technique called "implied authority," and it is explained, along with many other powerful negotiating techniques, in Chapter 11.
- Do you know how to lower your property taxes? This isn't always possible, but I'll show you what worked for me in Chapter 18.
- You probably already know that raising your deductible or dropping extra riders can lower your insurance premium. Learn the other ways to save on home owners insurance in Chapter 23.
- Did you know you can save $750 or more on your FHA mortgage loan by completing a short educational program? This and many other ways to save money are covered in Chapter 28.
- You know that better credit can save you thousands by qualifying you for lower interest rates, but do you know how to fix your credit report quickly? Learn how in Chapter 26.
From start to finish - you'll learn how to save money at every step: Why you need to be pre-approved, not just prequalified for a loan. Where the cheapest homes that meet your needs are in your town. What your housing options include. Specific negotiating techniques to use with the seller or his agent. The simple research that can save you a fortune. How to save on most of the closing costs. Twenty-five questions to ask your lender. What to ask a home inspector before hiring him. How moving the date of your closing can reduce the cash you'll need. A moving checklist, so you won't forget anything. How to keep from getting ripped off by contractors. No-doc versus low-doc loans. How to get the seller to pay the closing costs. How to continue saving money after you buy the home.Plus A Great Bonus If You Order Now!
The Home Buying Checklist
I pride myself on writing clearly and to-the-point, but lets face it - there is a lot to absorb in this package. How will you remember it all when you go to look at those homes? With this printable, comprehensive home-buying checklist.More Than 200 Items On The List!
Once you read through the material, just work your way through the checklist. It makes the book that much more valuable. It will refresh your memory, or you can refer back to the e-book if you aren't clear on an item. Most importantly, you'll be sure you haven't forgotten any important money-saving steps.
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