Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cb Affiliate Formula

An Openly Brutal Letter from Andrew Fox:
Things are about to get really ugly...

affiliate Marketing is the greatest money making opportuntiy of our generation.
But there's one slight problem...
99% of affiliates never make any REAL money.
Most end up losing a fortune on google Adwords and become yet another "failed statistic".
Well guess what.... It's Not Your Fault!
And I can prove it.
"The So Called 'Experts' Have No Idea What They Are Talking About And Are Selling You Rehashed Rubbish"
And it's making my blood boil.
Because I know the REAL TRUTH and in this letter I'm gonna reveal it to you..
Let me ask you a quick question..
Have you ever the latest "google Adwords" software in a bid to stake your share in the fortunes affiliates are making online but failed miserably?
Are you really fighting a losing battle?
Recently you will have noticed the FLOOD of pay per click software infiltrating the market place.
At the start it was highly effective but times are changing...
Everybody now has the 'secret pay per click software' which in turn creates a "saturation" problem.
You no longer have the competitive edge when every other affiliate marketer is using the same tools.
"I noticed this trend several months ago and decided to reverse engineer an
affiliate formula SO POWERFUL that it created affiliate earnings beyond even my
wildest dreams"
affiliate Marketing WAR is Coming And You Better Be On The Winning Side ..
Here's just a few "Case Studies" of what happens when you apply the Clickbank Affiliate Formula
"Listen To How A Regular Guy Became An Money
Making Internet Super Star After Becoming Joining CB
Affiliate Formula"
"Listen to Another student who paid me $25,000 up
front for coaching"

"Introducing The 'CB Affiliate Formula 2.0' Insider's
Club - My Personal Inner Circle That Will Show YOU
How To Generate Massive Internet Wealth And
Affiliate Commissions On Demand"
Inside this "invite only" club you will be able to turn yourself into an Affiliate Profit machine.
You'll learn the formula I've used to sell TONS of different products on Clickbank, bank massive affiliate earnings, grow my email list every day without fail and create multiple STEADY income streams.
These tactics will put you light years ahead of the competition as I share my latest 'insider results' on an ongoing basis every month.

I guarantee this will be one of the most elite 'no holds' barred affiliate coaching programs of it kind.
To get started you don't...
- Need to have a product
- Have your own website
- Have any technical experience
If you are already a successful marketer, you'll learn a TON of new advanced tricks that will 'hands down' BOOST your profits.
"Here's A Sneak Excerpt Inside One Of My Private
Journal Checklists I Use For Every Single Affiliate
It's taken me over eight years to perfect the "Clickbank Affiliate Formula" method in action.
After all my extensive testing I've condensed it into a simple, easy to copy formula.
It doesn't rely upon massive Pay Per Click Costs, owning huge email lists or having a big network of contacts.
It's about the power of leverage.
Being able to magnify your results by ten using the same amount of effort. Every single component has been tried and tested.

"I'm Gonna Make It EASY FOR YOU. Here's The Step By Step System You Get Inside CB Affiliate Formula"
1 # I'll take you by the hand and let you watch over my shoulder as I show you...
- How you can use my "Affiliate Geiger" counter to pick the right affiliate promotion.
- How to create the best value bonus package that have customers screaming to buy from you
- Reveal The EXACT metrics for my hottest promotions. Amount of clicks sent, amount of commissions earned.
- The EXACT emails I used, follow ups sent, how I use audio and video and when is the right time to use each one.

2 # I've had these professional designed PDF's created for you. Just print them off, fill in the blanks and you are on the way to a winning affiliate promotion.
- Pre launch PDF - What you need to have included, layout, font types with templates you can copy and steal from.
- Bonus Research PDF - Where to find the best bonuses, how to convince product owners to donate their previous products towards your package and how to add incredible value.
- email Swipe PDF - Your checklist to creating winning emails that pull MASSIVE response rates every time

3 # I've had my in house team of designers create a professional set of pre launch web pages to help you get started as quickly as possible.
Pre Launch Templates including...
- Pre filled with super sucking web copy - just fill in the blanks and your web page is ready to.
- Different variations of text.
- Various Colours to choose from.

- Agressive and Suble Designs depending on the type of promotion

4 # Each month I dissect one of my MAJOR affiliate promotions and give away EVERYTHING that made it a success.
Presented in PDF format it will show you...
- The exact offer I selected and why.
- The pre launch page I used, what ad copy was written on it and why it was used.
- The series of emails I used leading up to the promotion.

Membership Component #9 -
Free 14 Day Trial to Keyword Elite 2.0!
- Fully Functional. No Catches or hidden fees at all. Use it for a 2 full weeks for free!
- Uncover guaranteed profitable affiliate marketing campaigns in seconds!
- Quickly build your own massive list of followers to promote your affiliate offers to!

- The results , numbers of Clicks and overall commissions generated.

'Affiliate Marketing Is REAL And Can Change YOUR Life - It Helped Me Buy A Million Dollar Home, Ferrari And Yacht'

Above is picture of some of the various items that I've bought from my Internet Lifestyle.
And if you want to know "Do I really own a Ferrari?" here's a quick test. Go to youtube.com, type in "Andrew Fox" and you'll find a video of my driving the Ferrari with Alex Jeffreys (one of my students) in my dressing gown! (A pretty embarassing video too :-)
But getting back to business.
Believe me it wasn't always like this..
Just over three years ago I was over $50,000 in debt. After nearly filing bankrupty after a technology company I owned went upside down I was very much "left in the dark"
I thought to myself...
"There has to be an easier way than this.."
As soon as I refined the my system now called the "CB Affiliate Formula" it all fell into place.

Affiliate Marketing is the BEST becasue..
- You need no support staff.
- You can promote recurring products - do the work once get paid forever.
- With higher ticket items you can there are commissions on the table.
And last but not least, its geting BIGGER! Affiliate marketing is a growing industry which is only getting better by the day.

You want to be involved in this business!
"The Question You Must Ask Yourself Now - Do You Qualify
To Become A Member Of The CB Affiliate Formula?"
By now you've seen undisputed PROOF of how I've generated $100,000's this year alone just from affiliate marketing and taught my students with great success.
You've seen that affiliate marketing can be one of the fastest, profitable and most exciting ways to generate income online.
It's not luck, its a special formula that I've perfected after 'trial and error' over 8 years that has produced ,massive pay days on multiple occasions...
But do you qualify?
1) You must be willing to apply what I teach and promise to send me your testimonial when you suceed using my methods.
2) You will be required to keep what you learn to yourself and may be required to sign a "Non Disclosure" agreement.
3) If you join my "CB Affiliate Coaching" coaching club today and drop out you may have to wait as much as 6 months to get back in (When spaces fill up I expect this to be a very closed door community)
To 'sweeten the pot' and make this club truly irresistible I'm also inlcuding the following fast action bonuses,

jon now

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